On Tuesday 13 October at 10am we will launch our paper: Transitioning the water industry with the circular economy. Join WSAA Chair Pat McCafferty and authors - Institute of Sustainable Futures - at the launch as we outline the paper, leading Australian and international examples and key takeaways for the industry.

Many utilities are now considering the benefits of unlocking the circular economy to better manage resources, make and use products and to regenerate natural systems. The transformation to a circular economy approach brings many challenges and the shift requires a multi-pronged and widespread cross-sector collaborative approach.

WSAA commissioned the Institute of Sustainable Futures to outline the key building blocks required for a utility to transition to a circular economy as well as the value proposition and the many benefits to customers and the broader community, the environment and to utilities themselves.

Importantly, the paper also collates existing knowledge on the contribution of the urban water industry in a circular economy and recommends the next steps to help utilities pivot to begin or further advance their approach.

This event is open to anyone interested in the water industry's role in the circular economy.

Launch of the new WSAA paper: Transitioning the water industry with the circular economy

Tue, 13 October 2020

10:00am to 11.00am (AEST)

Online (Zoom)

Register for the event (Registrations closed)

The Transitioning the water industry with the circular economy paper can be downloaded here



23 Sep 2020

Sandi Kolbe

Sandi Kolbe

Communications Manager