The Australian urban water industry needs to continue moving towards a diversified portfolio of water supply options to meet the water security needs for Australia’s rapidly growing cities and regional centres in the face of climate change and drought.

No water supply option on its own is likely to meet all the needs of a city or regional town: the reality is that combinations of options need to be considered. With decreased streamflows into rivers and dams, our reliance on rainfall dependent water supply options is a risk to the water security of our cities and communities.

Median levelised costs estimated for each water supply option in our dataset ranges from $0.40 per kilolitre to $20 per kilolitre, with most options below $5 per kilolitre.

Our intent is that this report will be a living document, to be updated as more information and data from existing and new projects becomes available.

Every urban community has its own context, but all options for water supply should be on the table for those communities to consider and support.

We would like to thank all of those who provided the project data and case studies that give this document life and acknowledge the contribution of Marsden Jacob Associates for their data collection analysis. 

Download the report HERE.

3 Sep 2020

Sandi Kolbe

Sandi Kolbe

Communications Manager