WSAA publishes water industry standards for items used in water supply and sewerage network infrastructure and associated systems. These standards are performance-based and consistent with internationally recognised standards. WSAA acknowledges that Standards Australia is the principal standards writing organisation within Australia.
WSAA, as part of its product appraisal process, is often required to develop appraisal criteria to enable assessment of product and material 'fitness-for-purpose' at an acceptable level of risk. Product appraisal criteria may be developed into WSAA standards that follow Australian standards. WSAA standards provide a standard for:
- Reference in contract specifications
- Certification purposes
- Appraisal of similar products
WSAA standards are reviewed and updated on a continuous basis. Many water industry standards are developed into Australian Standards. Where an equivalent Australian Standard is published, a water industry standard will be withdrawn.
If you have any comments on the currently published standards or suggestions for new standards please contact Carl Radford, Program Manager Asset Creation.