Standards Australia has released the draft standard, DR AS/NZS 5328 Flushable Products for public comment.

The draft Australian/New Zealand Standard defines the criteria for material suitable for toilet flushing, along with appropriate labelling requirements, and will be the first of its kind internationally, where both utilities and manufacturers have come together in its development.

‘The draft Standard provides manufacturers with clear specifications and sets out methods for testing whether products are suitable for toilet flushing and compatible with wastewater systems and the environment’, said Mr Adam Lovell, Executive Director WSAA.

‘It has been developed by a technical committee including manufacturers, water utilities, peak bodies and consumer groups and includes pass/fail criteria. Importantly the new draft Standard will help customers identify which products can be flushed with clear labelling’, said Mr Lovell.

‘We know wipes and other items that shouldn’t be flushed are an issue for water utilities around the globe, disrupting customer services, creating extra costs for water utilities and customers, and impacting the environment through overflows’, said Mr Lovell.

WSAA and the urban water industry in Australia and New Zealand have been concerned about the contribution of wet wipes products to pipe blockages for some time.

‘The issue became even more serious during the COVID-19 pandemic, with our members reporting increases in blockages of between 20 and 60 per cent at the height of the pandemic last year, with people flushing materials never intended to go down the toilet like paper towel and wet wipes’, said Mr Lovell.

WSAA and its members welcome the release of the draft Standard and encourage comments through Standards Australia. Comments are open until 1 November 2021. 

Go to the Standards Australia website here.

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30 Aug 2021

Sandi Kolbe

Sandi Kolbe

Communications Manager