Water Services Association of Australia (WSAA) is pleased to announce the publication of WSAA Product Specification Issue 7.7

Title:                                                WSAA Product Specifications

Version:                                          7.7

Publication date:                         June 2024

Last updated date:                      May 2023


WSAA Product Specifications are updated regularly to reflect changes to standards, regulations, technologies and industry practice. The Document History and Version Summary details new specifications and ones that have been amended or omitted.


Product Specifications Issue 7.7 can be accessed via the WSAA Shop here.


If you had previously checked out Issue 7.6 from the WSAA Shop we have automatically updated your my products account to permit access to the latest version.  You can still access the previous Issues of WSAA Product Specifications in PDF format from the WSAA Shop.  These previous issues can be checked from the WSAA Shop so you can access them at any time by logging in with your username and password.


Please contact codes@wsaa.asn.au with any requests, comments or suggestions.

1 Jul 2024

Carl Radford

Carl Radford

Manager Technical Services